
Event Series Holy Eucharist (Rite I)

Holy Eucharist (Rite I)

St. James' Episcopal Church 4526 Albany Post Rd., Hyde Park, NY, United States

Join us Sundays at 8:00 a.m. for a celebration of Holy Eucharist (Communion). This is a quiet service, usually without music, though we often have a soloist with acoustic guitar […]

Event Series Crafters Group (Wilks Room)

Knitters and Crafters Group (Wilks Room)

St. James' Episcopal Church 4526 Albany Post Rd., Hyde Park, NY, United States

A New Group! A community of crafters begins on Mondays starting February 5, from 2- 4 pm (drop-in). All are welcome: knitters, crocheters, embroiderers, crocheters, conversationalists and miscellaneous other activities. […]

Event Series Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer (Church)

St. James' Episcopal Church 4526 Albany Post Rd., Hyde Park, NY, United States

Centering prayer is a type of meditation with a long history in the Christian tradition, beginning with the 14th century English monk who wrote The Cloud of Unknowing. But you […]

Event Series Bible Study

Bible Study


Our weekly Bible study on Zoom usually focuses on the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday and is led by Mtr. Meredith. We practice a contemplative, prayerful style of Bible study […]