
Worship Ministries

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers are a group of caring people who visit those who cannot go out for worship because of ill-health or infirmity.  Lay Eucharistic Ministers (lovingly called LEMs) bring Holy Communion and fellowship to parishioners’ homes.

There is a level of training that must be achieved to become an LEM, and a license is required from the diocese.


Our Acolytes, a hardy band of youth and adults, serve each week to make sure that everything runs smoothly at the altar during services — and add a dash of festivity to our worship. Acolytes must be at least 10 years old but other than that there are no restrictions other than a desire to serve.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild consists of teams who set up the altar for each service, as well as make special arrangements for weddings, funerals and other special services. They make sure the flowers are in place and supplies are plentiful. Our Altar Guild took an even more active role in researching the Columbarium (resting place for ashes).

Readers of Scripture

The readers are a team of two volunteers scheduled for each of the Sunday worship services. The first reader reads from the Old Testament and the second reader reads the Psalm and the Epistle lesson. All the readings are sent out days in advance so that the readers have time to prepare. 

Audio-Visual Ministry

Our audio-visual team is a small group of volunteers responsible for bringing our 10:00 Sunday worship service to those who are unable to attend in-person worship. Remote worship is done using Zoom and is also live streamed on YouTube. The Zoom link is sent out every week for that Sunday’s service, and because it is by email invitation, you need to be subscribed to the Google Group “St. James’ Episcopal Church, Hyde Park” in order to participate. You can request to be added to our Google Group email list by contacting the office at If at any time you wish to be removed from this group, there are instructions for doing so at the bottom of the email. Being in the Google Group also puts you on our newsletter (E-pistle) email list.