
Thank you, teachers!

Thanks to all the St. James’ Nursery School families, past and present, who helped us celebrate retiring teachers Kim Illuminate and Kathleen Craft on Sunday, June 4th! 

We all enjoyed ice cream, cupcakes, and catching up with past Nursery School students ranging from age 3 to age 20! We also dedicated a pollinator garden in Kim and Kathleen’s honor. 

Families gathered outside as we dedicated a new pollinator garden in front of the Parish House. The garden honors and celebrates Kim and Kathleen’s ministry with the “busy bees” of St. James’ Nursery School. 

Thanks to talented woodworker and St. James’ member Danielle Bohlmann, who created this beautiful dedication plaque for the new garden. 

Kim Illuminate and Kathleen Craft are pictured in the midst of just a few of the students whose lives they’ve touched during their years of ministry at St. James’ Nursery School. (They’re both in the center wearing white; Kim is on the right and Kathleen on the left). 

Kim and Kathleen, the people of St. James’ Church and the alumni and friends of the Nursery School give you our deepest thanks! 

Thanks, too, to the St. James’ Nursery School Committee members who organized Sunday’s party. 

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