A New Group! A community of crafters begins on Mondays starting February 5, from 2- 4 pm (drop-in). All are welcome: knitters, crocheters, embroiderers, crocheters, conversationalists and miscellaneous other activities. No particular talent required. Meet in the Wilks Room at St. James Parish Hall.
Centering prayer is a type of meditation with a long history in the Christian tradition, beginning with the 14th century English monk who wrote The Cloud of Unknowing. But you don’t need to be a monk or a mystic to practice centering prayer and experience its benefits. Lent is the perfect time to enter the […]
Our weekly Bible study on Zoom usually focuses on the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday and is led by Mtr. Meredith. We practice a contemplative, prayerful style of Bible study that focuses on how God is speaking to us through our questions, responses, curiosities and doubts as we engage Scripture. The study is followed by […]
Mother Meredith will offer a 3-session Lenten Book Study on the Gospel of Mark on Thursdays in Lent, March 7th, 14th, and 21st at 7 pm. We’ll meet in the Wilks Room. Each session will be followed by a 15-minute service of Compline (the Church’s bedtime prayer) at 8 pm. We’ll read and discuss Mark’s […]
Join us Sundays at 8:00 a.m. for a celebration of Holy Eucharist (Communion). This is a quiet service, usually without music, though we often have a soloist with acoustic guitar playing before and after the service. The service uses Rite 1 from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, with traditional language.
Sundays in Lent are little feasts—let's break our fasts together with our beloved Lenten Breakfasts! Join us in the Parish Hall for a delicious hot breakfast and good company at 9 am on Sundays in Lent, February 25th through March 17th. There will be no Coffee Hour after the 10 am service on these Sundays. […]