A quiet, reflective prayer service for anyone experiencing grief, loss, or struggle during the holidays.
All are welcome to help decorate our church for Christmas! We start at 9:30 am on Saturday, December 21st.
On Sunday, December 22nd, the Right Reverend Allen Shin, Bishop Suffragan, Diocese of New York, will preach and celebrate at the 8 and 10 am services. Join us Sundays at 8:00 a.m. for a celebration of Holy Eucharist (Communion). This is a quiet service, usually without music, though we often have a soloist with acoustic guitar […]
On Sunday, December 22nd, our 10 am service will be a joint service with St. Margaret's, Staatsburg. The Right Reverend Allen Shin, Bishop Suffragan, Diocese of New York, will preach and celebrate and will confirm three people in their faith and receive seven people into The Episcopal Church. Immediately following the 10 am service, Bishop […]
Immediately following the 10 am service on Sunday, December 22nd, Bishop Allen Shin will bless Christmas wreaths to be placed on the graves of the 75 veterans resting in our churchyard.
Meet at 6 pm on Sunday, December 22nd at St. Margaret's (corner of East Elm and Old Post in Staatsburg) for caroling in the village of Staatsburg. Afterward, we'll return to St. Margaret's for a festive reception.
A community of crafters and conversationalists meets Mondays from 2-4 pm (drop-in) at St. James' Episcopal Church in the Wilks Room of our Parish House. We are a friendly group: knitters, embroiderers, crocheters, conversationalists and miscellaneous other activities. All are welcome; no previous skill is required.