Sundays in Lent are little feasts—let's break our fasts together with our beloved Lenten Breakfasts! Join us in the Parish Hall for a delicious hot breakfast and good company at 9 am on Sundays in Lent, February 25th through March 17th. There will be no Coffee Hour after the 10 am service on these Sundays. […]
Join us for an afternoon of St. Patrick’s Day Games in the Parish Hall this Sunday, March 17th after the 10 am service. Sponsored by the Sunday School—all ages welcome! We’ll have all kinds of games like Bingo,Uno, Left-Right-Center, card games, board games... And you can bring a game of your own that you’d like […]
A New Group! A community of crafters begins on Mondays starting February 5, from 2- 4 pm (drop-in). All are welcome: knitters, crocheters, embroiderers, crocheters, conversationalists and miscellaneous other activities. No particular talent required. Meet in the Wilks Room at St. James Parish Hall.
All welcome! Join in Monday, March 18th at 6 pm in the back room of Antonella’s Restaurant. Questions? Please see Joe Gasparini (call/text 845-475-4717) or Mike Glancey.
Tuesday, March 19th at 7 pm, join the Hyde Park Historical Society in our historic Chapel for a special presentation from Hyde Park resident Ralph Osterhoudt. Learn a bit about Ralph's childhood in a big family on a small farm on South Cross Road Working on the Hughes Farm (where the FDR High School is […]