On Sunday, December 22nd, our 10 am service will be a joint service with St. Margaret’s, Staatsburg. The Right Reverend Allen Shin, Bishop Suffragan, Diocese of New York, will preach and celebrate and will confirm three people in their faith and receive seven people into The Episcopal Church.
Immediately following the 10 am service, Bishop Shin will bless Christmas wreaths to be placed on the graves of the 75 veterans resting in our churchyard.
Then we’ll proceed to our Parish Hall for a festive holiday Coffee Hour to celebrate the newly Confirmed and Received!
Join us Sundays at 10:00 a.m. for a celebration of Holy Eucharist (Communion). This service has music (usually organ and choir, along with special guest musicians) and uses a variety of prayers and language from traditional to inclusive and expansive, drawing from Rite II of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, Enriching Our Worship, and other sources.
Coffee hour in the Parish House usually follows this service.
Sunday School for kindergarten and up meets today on the second floor of the Parish House at 10:00 a.m. Students will rejoin the congregation just before Holy Communion. New to St. James’ Church? Your kids are welcome to Sunday School any Sunday. More details about St. James’ Sunday School at: https://stjameshydepark.