
A new bishop for our diocese

The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC was packed on Saturday, May 20th for the consecration of Bishop Coadjutor Matthew Heyd. A group from St. James’ Church was there!

Here’s Bishop Heyd! When we say he is “bishop coadjutor,” we mean he will serve alongside our current Bishop Diocesan, the Rt. Rev. Andrew Dietsche, until Bishop Dietsche retires next April. Then, Bishop Heyd will be “installed” as the new Bishop Diocesan in a second festive Cathedral service (at the first service, his consecration, he was made a bishop).

Part of the consecration service is the public examination of the bishop-elect by other bishops from all over The Episcopal Church (similar to how the priest asks a series of questions of all candidates for Baptism). Bishop Heyd is dressed in a simple white alb (he puts on new vestments after the consecration). Mtr. Meredith loves this photo. They look like queens and kings of Narnia in their vestments!
Holy huddle! After a prayer of consecration is said, bishops from across the Church lay their hands on the bishop-elect as Presiding Bishop Michael Curry calls on God: “Father, make Matthew a bishop in your Church. Pour out upon him the power of your princely Spirit, whom you bestowed upon your beloved Son Jesus Christ, with whom he endowed the apostles, and by whom your Church is built up in every place, to the glory and unceasing praise of your Name.”

All photos above courtesy The Episcopal Diocese of New York.

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