St. James’ Annual Meeting will take place Sunday, January 29th, following a single combined service of Holy Eucharist at 9:00 a.m. Both the service and the meeting will be available via Zoom as well as in-person.
9:00 a.m. Polls open; Holy Eucharist (this is the only worship service for Sunday, 1/29)
10:00 a.m. All-Church photo (in front of the red doors, weather permitting!) Followed by a brief coffee break in the Parish House, hosted by members of the St. James’ Vestry
10:30 a.m. Annual Meeting in the Church, with activities for youth K-12 in the Parish Hall
Elections at the Annual Meeting:
Elections shall be held at this Annual Meeting to fill the following expiring terms of office:
Polls will be open at 9:00 a.m.
Youth at the Annual Meeting: Our Sunday School teachers will host a hangout (with coloring, fellowship, DVDs and more) for youth age K-12 in the Parish Hall during the Annual Meeting.
The deadline for 2022 annual reports is Friday, January 20th. Please submit written reports to the office:
As a member of St. James’, our annual meeting is your opportunity to elect leaders to our Vestry, to recognize all the people who contribute to our well-being as a church, and to take stock of the state of our community of faith, from formation to finances—so please do plan to attend. Your voice and your presence matter!