For many years, two long-standing Outreach traditions that took place during the holidays at St. James’ are the Thanksgiving Baskets and Christmas Gifts.
At Thanksgiving, Outreach provided baskets full of food for 25 families in need with the help of donations from the congregation and other fundraisers.
At Christmas, Outreach granted three wishes for gifts from each child they served. Pre-COVID-19, paper stars were placed on the back of the church wall with the first name, gender, and age of each child so the parishioners knew what was being requested. The specific gifts were purchased, or monetary donations were made so the gifts could be purchased by the Outreach committee. One teen parishioner shared his memories of the Christmas program, “I have been doing the Christmas stars ever since I can remember. I would always have fun trying to find someone who was similar in age to me and wanted the same gifts so I could get them something they really wanted”.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, both holiday traditions have been modified. The 25 families were still served but only monetary donations were collected from the parishioners along with other fundraisers. The families were given gift cards for food and Christmas gifts.
Prior to COVID-19, one of the most exciting events that the Outreach Committee hosted was the Mother’s Day Tea Room.
On Mother’s Day the Tea Room was open to the community. A delicious menu including tea and a four-course offering was provided for 40 people at two separate seating’s (noon and 3:00 pm). The house was always full. While the patrons enjoyed their meal, the atmosphere was complemented by live performances. A White Elephant donation table was also set up with exquisite items for sale to support the cause.
All proceeds went to the two holiday missions at Thanksgiving and Christmas. This wonderful community event plans to return in 2023.
In 2021, The Vanderbilt View Emporium was established as a new fundraiser in lieu of the Mother’s Day Tea Room. This was a big event for the church. The first Saturday of every month from May through November during the hours of 10:00 am-3:00 pm, the St. James’ parking lot was transformed into an active flea market for the community. Forty-two spots were available for vendors to purchase at a reasonable price of $15.00 a space. Live music was performed at no cost by the band of one of our dear parishioners and often food trucks were present, both at the flea market goer’s delight. A White Elephant donation table was set up with items generously provided by parishioners to support the cause. All proceeds went to the Holiday food and gift cards in 2021.
In December, the favorite tradition of the Cookie and Candy sale takes place.
These scrumptious homemade delights are made by parishioners each year. A thrilling new addition to this sale is centerpieces made of fresh greens and various other items beautifully crafted by outreach volunteers.
Fortunately, this tradition has remained during COVID-19 with various modifications such as in 2020 the sale was a drive-up outdoor event.
Thankfully, this past year it was back inside.
Outreach-Supported Mission Projects
In the Spring of 2022, the Outreach Committee decided to redirect its financial resources to a wider circle of potential uses: our local Dutchess Community College food pantry for students, which needs basic supplies; Hope on a Mission, which supports the needs of local people by providing food, clothing, and toiletries; Grace Smith House, which supports women with children in crisis with clothing and toiletries; Local Nursing Homes, which are given blankets and bingo prizes; and Poughkeepsie Children’s Home, which is supported during the holidays.
The Adopt-a-Meal program is one way St. James’ has been able to continue our support of Hudson River Housing during COVID-19. Hudson River Housing’s Webster House Overnight Emergency Housing in Poughkeepsie, known as “the pods”, provides safety, food, and social work and mental health services every night. During a recent cold snap, the City of Poughkeepsie enacted Code Blue, which meant the police and mental health counselors were out on the city streets to bring people to the pods. A recent Friday night sheltered and fed 151 guests, a record high.
In 2021, St. James’ initiated the Adopt-a-Meal program by which the parish provides a hot supper once a month to 60 residents of the pods. Meals are purchased through local restaurants and grocery stores – in support of local businesses hard hit by the pandemic – then delivered to the pods on the second Saturday evening of the month.
St. James’ has also been able to continue its support of Rural and Migrant Ministry (RMM) and the New York Haiti Project.
Outreach also holds special collections for Episcopal Charities, Episcopal Relief and Development (responding to the needs recently of the special fundraiser, “1,000 days of love emphasizing women and children”, the U.S. Disaster Fund and the Good Friday Offering to name just a few of the many special offerings.)
“St James’ looks outside of its walls to the local community to serve its needs via the food baskets, the food pantry, and support for the Haiti project and for RMM as well as other ministries like the community garden”
“St. James’ is really strong in fellowship and outreach. I strongly feel support from parishioners. The loving acts done are very noticeable whether it is providing baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas, gifts at Christmas, food for the Homeless Shelter or food for the Food Pantry in Hyde Park”.